• ● Students should read the notice put upon the notice board carefully every day.
  • ● Strict silence needs to be observed in classrooms during working hours.
  • ● No student shall leave the class before the Teacher leaves.
  • ● Student shall be polite and decent in their words and deeds.
  • ● Students must take pride in keeping the College and its premises clean and beautiful.
  • ● Students should not remain in the classrooms during free hours as it might disturb other classes. They may go to library or reading room.
  • ● All students have to wear uniform and identity tag inside the College campus.
  • ● Students should wear neat and decent dress.
  • ● Uniform is compulsory on all special days. Colour dress is allowed only with the official sanction from the Principal on celebration days.
  • ● Students whose Parents fail to attend the Parent's Teacher's Meeting held in the College without a genuine reason, will not be permitted to sit in the class from next day.
  • ● All students should remit their semester fees & examination fees in stipulated time, in case of failure fine will be imposed.
  • ● Do not submit mass petition to the Principal. If students have any grievance or complaint let their representatives meet him.
  • ● Regular and discontinued Students should collect their TC and Original Certificates from the College immediately after the completion of their course (within 6 months). Authorities will not responsible for their certificates after this time limit.
  • ● Any damage by students to College property, furniture, and building will be repaired at their expense and those responsible for such damage shall be dealt severely. Collective fines will be imposed for any damage if the cause cannot be traced individual.
  • ● Political activism is strictly banned in the campus.
  • ● Ragging is strictly prohibited.
  • ● Students who are on study leave, and those without regular classes should enter the campus only with a genuine reason. If at all they come, they have to be either in the library or the canteen without disturbing other classes.
  • ● Student should leave the campus immediately after the class in the evening. They are not allowed to loiter in the campus after 4:30 pm.
  • ● College Union should be responsible for all the programmes and activities conducted inside the College campus. No other programmes are allowed other than those conducted by the College union.
  • ● Students participating in the extra-curricular activities should get prior permission of the Principal for their attendance.
  • ● All celebrations in the campus, including Union activities, should be held only after getting prior permission from the Head of the Institution of the College. Celebrations of any type should be communicated to the Head of the Institution through concerned Staff Advisor at least five working days prior to the event with programme details, guests attending, source of funds, expenditure, estimates etc.
  • ● Student's Union activities should be supervised by a Committee chaired by the Head of the Institution with Staff Advisor as Convener, and HODs and Discipline Committee members.
  • ● No type of vehicles should be used during celebrations inside the College campus.
  • ● Student's vehicles will be allowed only up to the designated parking area.
  • Entry beyond that point is strictly prohibited.
  • ● Public, including former students, will be allowed to enter the College campus only for genuine reasons. They will not be allowed to enter the class rooms in any case.
  • ● Programmes by External agencies/Professional groups/Paid programmes such as DJ, Music events and any Musical Instruments such as Nasik dhol, Chenda etc. are not permitted inside the campus.
  • ● In the interest of security of students, Police may be informed in advance about all festival celebrations.
  • ● For all students programme in the campus, presence of Teachers is mandatory.
  • ● Writing on walls is strictly prohibited. No one shall distribute or circulate any notice, pamphlets, leaflets etc within the campus and shall not exhibit any type of posters, banners, flags etc without prior sanction of the Principal.
  • ● Students are strictly prohibited from Smoking within the College premises.
  • ● Holding meetings, processions & strikes, collecting funds without the permission of the Principal are prohibited.
  • ● Bringing mobile phones (Kerala Govt. order RTN 340 /05 /H Edn dated 01/03/2005) is prohibited.


  • ● A Working day is divided into 5 periods and 2 sessions, forenoon (3 periods) and afternoon (2 periods)
  • ● Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period.
  • ● A student who if absent from the class for one period will be considered absent for half day.
  • ● A student coming late/ absent to the class/ period shall lose attendance for that session.
  • ● Students who take leave should produce the leave application/letter along with the medical certificate certified by a registered medical practitioner the very next day after the leave. Late application will be rejected.
  • ● Condonation will be based only on medical leave.
  • ● Students absenting themselves without leave for more than 10 working days will have their names removed from the rolls.
  • Those who violate the above mentioned rules & regulations will be punished.


Every student of the college will be issued an identity card on enrolment to which he/she shall affix passport size photograph. The student should bring the identity card every day to the college. No duplicate identity card will be issued unless the Principal is convinced that the original is lost. The fine for the issue of the duplicate card will be decided by the Principal. Application for the issue of duplicate card should be recommended by the class teacher.


The library remains open from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm without interval . Current issues of various journals received by the college and daily newspapers will be kept in the library during the hours mentioned above. Students should maintain absolute silence in the library, they should not remove any journal or newspaper from the library, tear off pages or pictures or deface the journal in any manner whatsoever. Library books will be issued on all week days.


A. Membership and Borrowing Rights
  • 1. The membership of the library is open to all staff and students of the college.
  • 2. Books will be issued from Monday to Friday between 9.30 am to 4 p m.
  • 3. The teachers are privileged to borrow 4 books at a time and the total number of books in their possession shall not exceed 15.
  • 4. Members of Non-Teaching staff can borrow 2 books at a time.
  • 5. The books shall be returned within a period of 3 months from the date of issue.
  • 6. Degree and Post graduate students can borrow 2 books and 4 books respectively. These shall be returned within a period of 14 days from the date of issue.
  • 7. If a reader fails to return the book on the due date, an overdue charge of Rs.1/ per day will be charged.
  • 8. If the due date falls on a college holiday the book may be returned on the following working day without fine.
  • 9. In reckoning fines intervening holidays are not exempted.
  • 10. Absence or illness is no excuse for delay in return of books.
  • 11. Books may be reissued after the loan period, if there is no call for it, at the discretion of the Librarian.
  • 12. The Librarian can recall any book on loan, if it is required in the library urgently even if it is not due for return.
  • 13. At the end of the course students shall surrender all tickets and return all books borrowed from library on the day notified by the librarian.
  • 14. Members of staff proceeding on long leave/deputation shall return all books borrowed from the library.
  • 15. Sending reminders is not obligatory for the library.
  • 16. No reader shall take a book or journal or any other material out of the library without having it properly issued to him.
A. Membership and Borrowing Rights
  • 1. If any book is damaged or lost by the borrower he/she shall either replace it or pay the cost. In case of replacement, the book shall be of the same or later edition.
  • 2. The price of rare or out of print book will be determined by the competent authority and it shall be paid by the person responsible for the damage or loss of the book.
  • 3. If a volume from a multi volume set is lost or damaged the price of the
  • whole set will be charged, unless the volume of set lost can be obtained separately , in which case the cost of the particular volume alone will be recovered.
C. General Instructions
  • 1. Every reader entering the library should sign the visitors register kept for the purpose at the entrance gate of the library. They are also required to show, on demand, their identity cards to the librarian.
  • 2. Personal books are not allowed in the library.
  • 3. Readers are not allowed to take their belongings inside the library.
  • 4. All articles being taken out of the library are subject to inspection.
  • 5. It is the responsibility of the borrowers to keep their tickets in safe custody. If it is lost, it should be reported immediately to the librarian. Duplicate tickets will be issued within a period prescribed by the librarian on payment of Rs.25/.
  • 6. Writing or making any kind of mark in the books / periodicals is forbidden.
  • 7. Cutting or tearing of any photo or page from any publication is prohibited.
  • 8. Students must on receiving books examine them and report to the librarian any damage found therein. If they fail to do so they will be held responsible for the damage found on returning the book.
  • 9. All complaints and suggestions should be given in writing to the librarian.

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